Results for breastfeeding

In honor of Breastfeeding Awareness Month, let’s all whip our tits out

by Janelle Hanchett

So today is the first day of “Breastfeeding Awareness Month.”

As I was thinking about that, I started thinking that there’s a time to be reasonable and thoughtful and understanding. There’s a time for conversation and negotiation and peaceful discussion.

There’s a time to talk about things like adults, listen intently to both sides, sit across from one another to calmly discuss viewpoints.

But there’s also a time to whip your fucking tits out and talk about it later.

Or never.

Ladies and gentleman, we have blown past the moment of discussion. We have no choice but to move into full frontal nudity.

Oh wait that’s right. Breastfeeding isn’t full frontal nudity. So maybe that’s not the best approach.

Whatever. You know when I nurse my babies I generally go in from the top. And if my breast flesh offends you, well then sweetheart, you are my reason for doing it again and again and again and again until eventually, maybe after the millionth time you and your kind have seen it, it won’t quite shock you anymore.

Yeah, I’m talking to you, people who think women shouldn’t breastfeed in public.

I’m talking to you, people who think women should use a cover.

But I’m tired of discussing. I’m tired of the back-and-forth convos with misogynistic douchebags with their heads shoved so far up their asses they can’t tell the difference between breastmilk and whiskey.

So anyway, during the month of August, donned Breastfeeding Awareness Month by the U.S. Health & Human services, we’re supposed to “raise awareness” of the benefits of breastfeeding to increase breastfeeding rates and help Americans becomes more accepting of breastfeeding women.

But as far as I can tell, most people agree that “breast is best.” Or maybe it’s not “best” for everybody, but most people can agree that it’s damn good. It’s where that breast can occur that’s still, somehow, up for debate, and that is where the “awareness” needs to rise. The “awareness” of why women should be able to breastfeed in public wherever, however and whenever they damn well please is “the question.”

But really, the only people who need their awareness raised need their intelligence raised.

Logic, people. Give it a shot:

You say it’s about “modesty” and “self-respect.” LIES, motherfucker, LIES.

If that were true you’d be losing your shit over the thousands of scantily clad sex objects plastered all over television and magazines. And yet, you are oddly quiet on the subject.


Or those shorts that allow butt cheeks to peek out the bottom?

So your argument is false. It is not that you have a problem with breasts being exposed. Rather, you have a problem with breasts being exposed for a purpose other than the sexual satisfaction of men. If you would just THINK for like two seconds you’d see that nobody loses their shit over the widespread use of women’s bodies as pieces of meat for the consumption of men. It is only when that body becomes the woman’s and her baby’s, ALONE, that she somehow becomes “offensive.”

What’s offensive is not the breasts being exposed, it’s the breasts being exposed for a purpose other than the enjoyment of the patriarchy.

It’s the BIOLOGY of it that kills you.

It’s the primal femininity of it.

It’s that the breast becomes a vehicle for child’s nutrition as opposed to patriarchal pleasure, and this violates the misogynistic social contract you’ve signed. Yeah, you know, the one women have been battling against for 150 years?

Yeah that one.

I’m talking to you, women on BabyCenter and reddit and wherever your breed of idiot hangs out, ranting about women nursing in public and how they’re “disgusting” and “immodest” and “making a production.” (Well, you are right. Some of us are in fact “making a production,” but most American women are just nursing because their kid needs to, um, nurse.)

Do you know you’re spewing the ancient Puritanical crap you’ve been fed by a twisted society? You think you’re thinking for yourself, but you’re not. You are merely regurgitating the messages you’ve been fed, like a brain-dead sheep, programmed to see yourself and all women through the eyes of a society that commodifies them and their bodies.

You say it’s a “private act” like using the bathroom. Really, that’s weird. I’m 99% sure neither urine nor shit have ever come out of my nipples.

And we are feeding babies. As in, food. Eating. Consumption. Is your lunch private? Is bottle-feeding private?

No. Well then, exactly.

You say it involves a breast and breasts are sexual, like the vagina or penis…and we sure don’t whip those fuckers out at random!

First of all, read the above regarding patriarchy and sex. Secondly, breasts are only “sexual” because our society has made them so. They should be treated like an elbow or a knee or a thigh. If YOU see them as something else, more power to you, but you can’t expect the rest of us to cater to your ignorance. Breasts are not actually attached to women solely to serve the erotic interests of men. Just like the vagina, they serve a biological purpose! It’s called “feed the offspring!”


Basically, though I’m clearly ranting (and damn does it feel good), I genuinely believe the only way to change this conversation  is to shove our boobs in the faces of these idiots so many times it becomes normal to them.

(I’m speaking metaphorically, people. If you actually shove your breast in the face of a stranger there’s a good chance you’ll get arrested. Or a marriage proposal. But probably arrested. Word to the wise, baby. You know I’m always lookin’ out for ya.)

Or, their kids at least. (Which reminds me of the weirdest argument of all: Kids shouldn’t see women nursing. Okay just take a moment and realize how insane that is. Kids shouldn’t “see” the way kids have been fed since the beginning of time.)

Maybe I sound crass, irrational. Out of control and unreasonable.

Yes, well. I am.

There is a point at which conversation dies and only action speaks. There is a time when you’ve just got to do the thing they’re telling you not to do.

I’m so tired of the women getting kicked out of pools and restaurants. I’m so tired of new mothers absolutely distraught because they can’t figure out how to avoid nursing in public. I’m sick of women feeling like they’re “exposing themselves” when their baby needs to nurse.

I’m sick of women nursing on toilets.

I’m sick of women having to THINK about NURSING at all.

I’m sick of women giving up breastfeeding entirely because it’s just too fucking hard to navigate never doing it in public.

I’m sick of society telling us we should breastfeed, but then adding the disclaimer “as long as we don’t have to see it.”

I’m sick of tits being paraded EVERY WHERE all the time in every corner of all media, but we’re shamed for nursing in public.

And my god, I’m sick of people telling us where and how and when we can nurse the babies we birthed, the ones we are working so hard to love and teach and hold, to grow into healthy strong capable human beings. We have a really hard, important job, and we don’t need MUST NOT SHOW NIPPLE EVER added to our list of responsibilities.

Get over yourself, America.

They’re boobs.

They feed babies.

You’re gonna pull through this one.


I’m not saying don’t use a cover. If you’re more comfortable doing that, then cool. What I’m saying is this: If you use a cover begrudgingly, knock that shit off.

Tell the world to go fuck itself. Learn your rights and stand up for them.

And I’m not breastfeeding any more, but if I were, you can think of me, sitting next to you, going in from the top and inviting the world to bite me. Ha. Nice pun.

And since my baby girl weaned herself at two (a year ago), I can only offer you these photos. Facebook likes to take photos like these down. So does Instagram. These photos will surely offend people: Look at that woman! Exposing herself like that! Disgusting! Immoral!


How dare she?

Does she have no self respect?


Please, once you’ve stopped writing your angry comment, take a moment to kiss my giant, proud, once-milky breast.


Anyway, if you want, throw your nursing shots up on Instagram and tag it #renegadenursing. Then we can all join together as crazy nursing misfits.

Ha. Yes. So radical. Feeding our babies.

When will the insanity end?


the “toddler supposed to be nursing but not” photo!


Sometimes we nurse and mama’s kinda over it


From the top at home, from the top in public. Too bad I don’t have any of those shots.


oh lord, the chubby hand.

breastfeeding 1

boob as big as her head, that’s what I’m talking about

tell me this isn't heaven

tell me this isn’t heaven

2011-03-21 20.48.25

I miss it. I do.


OH, the gorgeous, blissful milky grin!

OH, the gorgeous, blissful milky grin!

photo (6)

these kids are clearly TRAUMATIZED!

Happy Breastfeeding Awareness Month, friends!

Now let’s piss some people off by feeding our babies!




Hey, Mothers: It’s not you, it’s America.

by Janelle Hanchett

Alright, we have a new rule.

Setting aside the question of whether or not I am the person on earth who sets new rules for the entire population of American mothers, I hereby declare that we shall not, under any circumstances, engage in criticisms of “choice” without taking into account the fact that America hates people.

Not to be dramatic.

But it loves us fighting with one another about individual decision making.

You see, I moved to The Netherlands. Most of you know this. I have been permanently and irrevocably ruined. I will never see the USA in the same way–and I didn’t see it in a particularly flattering light in the first place– but I truly, deeply, had no idea how bad average American parents have it.

I don’t think a person can understand it until they’ve left the USA, raised children in pretty much any other developed nation.

From where I’m standing, it’s truly surreal to watch mothers in the States yell at each other about “choices” to be a stay-at-home mom or “working” mom, or to breastfeed or not, “helicopter moms” vs. “free range” moms or anything else we yell at each other about.

Why? Because every single decision we make is defined by the utter lack of social safety and healthcare in the USA.

In other words: it’s not you, it’s America. 


No, I’m not making us all helpless victims of the system. What I’m saying is this: Every single decision we make as parents is almost entirely determined by the resources at our disposal, the structure of our communities, labor laws and rights, pension availability, healthcare, childcare, and the entire concept of work-life balance. Or lack thereof.

Critiques of “parental choices” are irrelevant and misguided if they fail to take into account how little “choice” most Americans have.

Allow me to explain. (When I say the word “guaranteed,” I mean “legally mandated at a national level.”)

Guaranteed paid parental leave allows mothers and fathers to establish a more stable and early role as parents, integrating breastfeeding if desired and allowing for a less stressful newborn period.

Subsidies on childcare for a much wider breadth of people allows many more people to have an actual “choice” in whether or not they work outside the home, or breastfeed, for that matter. Collective bargaining as a norm and robust federal labor laws allow for creative work structures, and things like “daddy days” in the Netherlands, a half day each week when fathers can take a day off work, PAID, to spend time with their kids. For the first eight fucking years of life.

A 36-hour workweek and flexibility within that week allows families to create more customized schedules and for both parents to share the childcare, and to not be financially penalized for it.

Guaranteed paid sick days and care days for both parents at all jobs further helps balance domestic and childcare responsibilities, and removes the stress of one parent always needing to endure the burden of a sick kid, or go to work sick, which means they’re exhausted and worn out at home, or get sicker and sicker until they really can’t work, at all.

Guaranteed paid vacation of 4-6 weeks a year plus an extra paycheck to fund it, plus quarterly child benefits to help you raise kids increases mental health and lowers stress levels of families, not to mention supports a functioning family as a whole.

Universal healthcare and FREE healthcare for children under 18 makes parents less obsessed with safety.

Subsidies and assistance for low-income/minimum wage workers make parents less concerned with their child being the top of the class. Parents are much less concerned about having The Best. Mommy wars and shame are virtually nonexistent. Because it isn’t an existential thing here–parent how you want.

Ever think about how many American parents are helicopter nutbags because they know a skilled labor, minimum-wage job is essentially a fast track to a shit life?

Well-funded schools not based on local tax income means your kid can go to any neighborhood school which gives you more time in the mornings and evenings and gives your children more independence, and removes the frantic need to live in certain neighborhoods so your kids have a chance at getting a decent education so they have a chance of getting scholarships to attend unaffordable universities to attempt to get a job that will pay off their student debt that accrues at 7%.

But we get mad about school choices.

Universal healthcare and robust mental health and addiction treatment programs make the streets safer, which allows kids to be freer, which allows us parents to be freer–not to mention access all of those services themselves.

Universal healthcare means you are not tied to your job for the benefits, for literal survival. So you have more actual freedom of employment. You can leave. You can start over. You can take a break. You don’t have to stay in a job that’s sucking your soul out your ears so your family has healthcare.

(Tell me again how the USA is the country of freedom, though.)

Affordable university means you are not strapped forever by student loans. It means you don’t have to panic about how to fund your kid’s education. It means you don’t have to work three jobs to pay for it all.

If you have a burnout, also known as extreme stress to the point that you’re unable to work–also known as “the way most Americans live,” or if you have a chronic illness making work impossible, you can take a year or two off, paid at at least 70%, then go back to work. By law, employers must pay this amount for 2 years, and again, this is a minimum. If complications from pregnancy arise, you’re paid at 100% of your salary.

You have the capacity to take care of yourself so you can take care of your fucking family.

Universal pensions means there are many, many more grandparents around to help their kids raise their grandkids. Do you ever think about that? Think about how many old folks work basically until death in the USA. Think about how many families take in their elderly or sick parents or family members because there’s nowhere else for them to go and nobody to care for them. What if that were relieved? What if that were covered?

Can you imagine the difference it makes to KNOW your chronically ill, mentally ill, or elderly parent or loved one is CARED FOR and you don’t have to personally guarantee they don’t die alone in a Lazy Boy armchair or your living room?

This is truly just the surface, friends. Off the top of my head.


So no, we don’t even get to scream at each other for falling apart in the USA as parents, for crumbling under stress, for messy houses or yelling too much. Working and middle-class American parents are thrown scraps, chucked into a society that doesn’t give a shit about them, then told if it isn’t working, they simply need to try harder.

Unless you’re rich, in the USA you’re set up to fail then blamed for it, and every conversation is reduced on both sides to identity politics and shit-slinging us vs. them. What a way to smash class solidarity, no?

It’s stunning to watch from here, and I’m fascinated by my own past participation in it. I understood it was more complex than simply “individual choice,” but I did not understand how much easier all of it would be, how vastly different all of it would be, if America treated basic human rights as actual rights instead of privileges.

I also did not understand the role of “culture wars” in all this and the way political parties form themselves around cultural issues precisely because it distracts us from the systemic problems materially affecting our lives.

As long as we’re angry at each other, we won’t get mad enough to be like the French, or English, or Russians, or the Dutch, who ate their aristocratic leader in 1672. I am not recommending that. What I’m saying is, people get mad when they’re tired of being fucked by the oligarchy, and then, sometimes, they revolt.


And as long as we’re mad at each other, we aren’t mad at them.

I know what some of you are thinking: You live in a commie country. You pay 85% taxes. (I read that literally a few days ago).

I pay the same tax rate I paid in the USA and California (around 24%).

Nobody gets ahead in those socialist countries. Lol. The Netherlands is a fucking tax haven. It’s regulated capitalism. Their healthcare system is a blend of public and private. I buy private insurance; if I want to pay more, I can have more services covered. But the basic package, and the cost of that package, and what it covers, is dictated by the government each year as opposed to for-profit insurance companies with a vested interest in me NOT getting healthcare.

This is worth repeating: The Netherlands is a tax haven, not some socialist utopia. It has some of the greatest inequality between rich and poor in the world. The difference? They raised the bottom, folks.

That’s it.

They don’t make these choices out of some bleeding heart niceness. The Dutch are fiercely pragmatic, science-driven (a lot of atheists and agnostics here), and measured. They make these societal decisions because they have the best outcomes for the society as a whole.

No worries, you can be an obscenely rich asshole here, too.

The only difference is that here the state has said, “You know what, the rich can be filthy rich and WAY richer than the bottom but the bottom can ALSO have a decent fucking quality of life.” A basic standard of living.

In America they say the rich get it all and the rest get nothing and sorry, there’s no other way it can be.

But there is. And until we stop blaming one another for the shit show of parenting in America, they’ll keep winning.


I didn’t even get into the difference for kids.


Writers: I have a memoir workshop coming up. I promise I’ll be less mad than I am in this post. 


APRIL 6 – MAY 11, 2023

Thursdays at 10am PST/1pm EST

A six-week online workshop for the person ready to write a memoir, or the one with a shitty draft abandoned in a desk drawer. We will discuss everything from narrative arc to dialogue to writing about other people in a way that won’t make them hate you. This workshop involves weekly direct feedback on your writing and offers tiered support, including a whole-manuscript review.

24 Comments | Posted in Netherlands, politics | March 17, 2023

Weekend Intensives

by Janelle Hanchett

Brand new weekend intensives. Study one subject in depth. 

In my six-week workshops we often encounter topics that we seem to want to discuss forever. The hour allows us enough time to achieve quite a bit of depth, but some topics lend themselves to more hands-on work, extensive feedback and discussion.

So I grabbed all those topics and created a new workshop series. 2.5 hours on the first Sunday of every month from January through August. You can sign up for one, a few, or all of them.

These workshops allow you to select only the topics you would like to study in more depth, or you can sign up for the entire series, which I created as a sort of 8-month mentoring program. Here’s how:

  • You’ll start each month with a 2.5-hour workshop to get you refocused on writing.
  • You’ll be a member of a private Facebook group where we will keep each other accountable and you’ll be invited regularly to share your work, respond to others, etc.
  • Online writing sessions twice a month.

Or, if 8 months is too much of a commitment, pick and choose.

Every workshop allows the time we need to go more deeply into each topic and have opportunities for discussion, questions, and breakout rooms for workshopping writing.

Why does the term “breakout room” hurt my soul a little? I think I’m having flashbacks to beige Marriott conference rooms and corporate bonding.

I’m excited about this. Nerd-level excitement. Almost as excited as when I have a blank Japanese notebook in my hand.

I apologize for exaggerating.

For each workshop, we’ll meet online (Zoom or GoToMeeting) from 10-12:30am PST/1-3:30pm EST. Dates are listed below, but as I said, it’s the first Sunday of each month January – August. 

  • Recordings will be made available afterward for download.
  • You can buy the whole series upfront for €1150, or subscribe to a monthly or 3-month payment cycle. It’s €150/month or €400 every three months. If you did the math, yes, it saves you €50 to buy them all.
  • You can also purchase a single workshop individually through the links below.
  • Enrollment is capped at 15.
  • In four workshops I will provide feedback on your writing. This will be completed and returned to you within one week of the workshop. (If you buy them individually, the feedback is the reason for the price difference.)

Bonus! (Anyone else getting infomercial vibes?)
When you sign up for the series, you can attend a 1-hour mini-workshop on fear and writing. How do we write even though we’re afraid? How do we determine legitimate fears from illegitimate ones? How can we show up as ourselves without using fear as the director of our creative choices? This will be held on: Tuesday, March 8 at 10am PST/1pm EST. 

Note: If you’ve taken my 6-week workshops before, why would you also take these? Good question. So glad you asked. Brief answers follow, but always feel free to email me with questions:

  • More depth to the discussion
  • New examples and sources
  • Hands-on work. As in, you will receive prompts, write, and receive feedback just on that topic so you really come away with clarity on a very personalized basis.

Alright, here we go:

Identifying and Enhancing Your Unique Voice 

Aristotle’s Beginning, Middle, and End–BUT WHAT ELSE? On the architecture of storytelling.

Okay but what makes writing sound GOOD? (Rhythm, diction, “rules” to ignore or acknowledge)

Dialogue: What is it? What are the keys to doing it well?

Creating characters we love, even when we hate them

The Bones of an Op-Ed

Writing about Other People

Creating a Sustainable Writing Practice in the Dull Reality of our Bullshit Lives (do I sound like a life coach yet?)

Identifying and Enhancing Your Voice 

Sunday, January 8 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

Have you ever noticed how some writers can write about a trip to the grocery store and it’s somehow fascinating?

It’s voice. They’ve got a voice that is in itself compelling.

Or, perhaps you’ve wondered Why am I funny/interesting/clever/life-changing in person but boring on the page? As if part of your personality makes it onto the devil blank space but the rest drifts away, mocking you, like a dream you once had.

Not to be dramatic.

I can tell you my whole career was built upon voice. I actually got an agent from it. I’ll tell you that story. I’ll tell you how I “found” my voice, maintain trust in it (a constant process), and recognize what blocks it.

We’ll define “voice,” of course, because truly, what the hell is it? We’ll examine the voices of different writers, discuss and analyze what exactly they’re doing to create that style and personality. You’ll examine your taste and get some clarity on how you show up on the page, uniquely.

Through guided prompts and feedback, you’ll receive insight into your voice, and tangible suggestions for how to increase its clarity. But mostly we’ll examine how to get yourself in all your weird and wonderful glory onto the page of broken dreams.

You’ll submit a short excerpt of your writing and I’ll provide you with written feedback on your strengths and suggested areas of focus (I am very nice. This is not scary.)

Buy just this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Voice

Aristotle’s Beginning, Middle, and End–BUT WHAT ELSE?
On the architecture of storytelling.

Sunday, February 5 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

Right, cool, thanks. There’s a beginning, middle, end, and a bunch of things happen and there’s a character and plot and a story, which is apparently different from the plot and–eventually this means something.

We’ll talk about the architecture of storytelling. The main elements. What we want is unity between plot, story, and character. That’s the framework.

In this workshop, you’ll learn all of the above as well as the difference between expository and narrative writing, and the purpose of each, and how BOTH types of writing build that unity I mentioned.

On that topic, we’ve all heard “show don’t tell,” and hopefully we all know that hard and fast rules about writing are often bullshit. We’re looking for balance. Unless you’re Dostoevsky writing Notes From the Underground, you probably can’t get away with a novella of just your thoughts. We need a plot, damnit. TELL ME A STORY. Let’s talk about how.

Note: This is relevant to those writing narrative essays, memoir, and fiction.

Sign up for this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Storytelling

Okay but what makes writing sound GOOD? (Rhythm, diction, “rules” to ignore or acknowledge)

Sunday, March 5 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

Let’s talk actual language. It’s so hot. Rhythm. Sentences. Lengths, styles. Complete or incomplete.

How do we find a rhythm? Why is some writing so beautiful to the ear? What do we even mean by “rhythm?” Why does some writing sound like nails scratching an eternal chalkboard and other writers can make page-long sentences that read–beautifully? Looking at you, Virginia Woolf.

And when we think of adjectives and adverbs and the words we all argue about, what ARE we really asking? When are they necessary? What bogs down the meaning?

Our 6th grade teachers told us to “engage readers” with “description.” Now we’re being told adjectives should be used sparingly.

If we don’t use the The Rules as guides for our writing, what do we use? How do we know if something is working or not?

I will offer feedback on a 250-word excerpt of your writing, highlighting patterns I see in language, rhythm, diction, etc., and making VERY KIND suggestions.

Sign up for this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Rhythm & Diction

Dialogue: What is it? What are the keys to doing it well?

Sunday, April 2 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

Learn the difference between dialogue and conversation. How do we write that sweet, terse, engaging dialogue? What is the role of dialogue in narrative? Yes, it has a specific one and it isn’t awkwardly provide expository information. We’ll examine what that looks like and how to avoid it.

How much dialogue makes sense and how do you make that choice? How do you ground the dialogue in action to convey much more about the scene and character, and avoid clunky adverbs doing the expository work?

(If that sentence makes little sense to you, join this workshop! We’ll talk about it! Sorry for the exclamation points!)

We shall examine the masters. I will probably quote Bob’s Burgers alongside Sam Shepard and Toni Morrison. I don’t make the rules.

In this session you’ll practice writing dialogue and workshopping it with others, and I will also offer feedback.

Sign up for this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Dialogue

Characters we love even when we hate them

Sunday, May 7 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

What makes a flat, one-dimensional character versus a compelling one?

What’s the difference between archetypes and stereotypes and how can the former assist us in creating and writing characters?

And yes, memoirists, I am also talking to you. You are the main character (I know, and all those other people are ALSO characters).

We will begin by defining and discussing characterization, the use of archetypes in framing characters, and what makes a character compelling, someone we will root for (even if we low-key hate them).

We will then workshop a particular character you’re working on (this can be you in your memoir). I will offer feedback as will others in the group. By the end of this workshop you will have a clearer idea of the character’s motivations, arc, and dimensions. That fucker will come to life.

Sign up for this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Characterization

The Bones of an Op-Ed

Sunday, June 4 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

Alright here’s the thing: Everything you write with an opinion is going to piss somebody off. We are not, I repeat, WE ARE NOT, trying to write things that float into the world like a pleasant breeze, leaving happy Facebook faces in its path.

The only way to do that is to write something so vanilla neutral it enrages, well, me. Because why are you wasting my time with your wishy-washy non-opinion?

Figure out what you want to say, why, and to whom, get yourself situated with critical thought, research, and argumentation, and then make your damn argument. Stand by it.

In this workshop we will discuss the basics of argumentation and critical analysis of a subject.

As in: What’s the rhetorical situation of this question? What am I saying, to whom, and why, and how do I make writing choices that support that? What are potential counter-arguments? Logical fallacies? How can I have a decent chance of arguing a thing in a way that’s at least balanced and nuanced?

Or we can just jump on that Facebook podium of death and YELL SHIT. Also fun. Love that.

If not, join this. We’ll workshop a specific argument/persuasive topic you’d like to write about.

Sign up for this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Op-ed

Writing about Other People

Sunday, July 2 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

Writing about people we don’t care about, or who are no longer in our lives (or on the planet, may they Rest in Peace), is easy. You can see why. And don’t worry about the “getting sued” thing. Spoiler: Lawyers. Don’t publish without one.

Anyway, memoirists and essayists and fiction writers who think thinly veiled caricatures are going to mask the fact that you’re writing about your batshit cousin: Where do we end and they begin? 

How do we write people fairly as opposed to shape them into what we want them to be for our own selfish ends?

Complications arise when we want to discuss difficult parts of our story that necessarily implicate or involve others, and we still care about them, perhaps have even forgiven them, maybe understanding that they were fucked up at some point but we have all grown. lol.

So let’s talk about that. I did, after all, write a memoir about addiction and recovery. A messy topic indeed. And I have written a mothering blog for over a decade. I have made a lot of mistakes and I think I’ve done some things quite well. 

You’ll leave this workshop with tangible methods for deciding what to write, what crosses lines, and how to write about “them” in a way that won’t make them hate you. 

Sign up for this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Writing about others

Creating a Sustainable Writing Practice in the Dull Reality of our Bullshit Lives (do I sound like a life coach yet?)

Sunday, August 6 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

Look, I’ve never been one of the people capable of improving myself sufficiently to reach the utopia of the Successful Internet Creatives. They’re over there talking about how your writing space needs to reflect your mind and all the things that matter to you as a soulful human being while I’m literally writing under a tower of laundry, with only my rage to fuel me.

Them: “Write every day or you’re not a real writer.”
Me: “Behind every man saying ‘write every day’ is a woman making that happen for him.”

And YET, I’ve had a 10+ year writing career and have published a book. Writing has become my whole professional life. Yes, I have a few non-negotiable aspects of my creative life. But soul-appropriate workspace ain’t one.

My writing career has weathered pregnancies, breastfeeding until my baby could lucidly discuss breastfeeding, co-sleeping, four kids at home while my husband worked 7 days a week, jobs, non-jobs, financial problems, depression, death and grief, and a move abroad.

AM I SPECIAL? No. I am a normal fucking person living a normal life in which things happen.

My point: I have always written IN THE MESS (while whining). The mess ain’t leaving. People make a lot of money trying to convince us that as soon as we clean up the mess, (read: Get good like them), we too can publish NYT bestsellers and find joy.

I do not have that silver bullet. I do, however, have a career that started with me on my couch at 11pm writing to nobody and hoping for the best. And then a whole lot of life happening and me sticking with it.

I’ll tell you how I kept going, stayed motivated, got back at it after succumbing to Fuck This Shit I’m Out for a few months. (Which is, despite what John says on NPR, a natural part of the creative life).

Sign up for this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Sustainable Creative Practice


On the workshops as a whole series:

Annie Dillard chose some violence in her fabulous book The Writing Life: “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour, and that one, is what we are doing. A schedule defends from chaos and whim.”

THEREFORE: Let’s schedule 2023, together, and write.

Here’s what you get:

  • Monthly workshops for 8 months (20 hours total)
  • Feedback on six pieces of writing
  • Invitation to my private Facebook community
  • Monthly online group writing sessions (2 per month)
  • Focus on writing (and redirection if you’ve fled the coop) for 8 months of 2023
  • Free workshop on fear & writing
  • A savings of €130 if you buy them separately.

Sign up:

Monthly workshop intensives 2023

Three month payment plan link.

Monthly installment payment link

If you have any questions or prefer an invoice or subscription link via email, just email me via the contact form below.

If you’d like to complement these workshops with 1:1 work, please email me or contact me via the form above to discuss mentoring packages.

Happy New Year, almost. Let’s do our best to make 2023 a creatively solid one. (to clarify, universe, not “creative” like new wars or viruses, mmmkay? fun creative. like books and shit, or a new show by the woman who wrote Derry Girls. okay thanks.)

Go back to check out the full list

Comments Closed | Posted in | December 5, 2022

Brand New Workshops in a New Format!

by Janelle Hanchett

Brand new weekend intensives. Study one subject in depth. 

In my six-week workshops we sometimes encounter topics that we’d like to discuss forever. The hour allows  enough time to achieve quite a bit of depth, but some topics lend themselves to more hands-on work, extensive discussion, and more 1:1 feedback.

So I grabbed all those topics and created a new workshop series.

2.5 hours on the first Sunday of every month from January through August. You can sign up for one, a few, or all of them.

These workshops allow you to select only the topics you would like to study in more depth, or you can sign up for the entire series, which I created as a sort of 8-month mentoring program. Here’s how:

  • You’ll start each month with a 2.5-hour workshop to get you refocused on writing.
  • You’ll be a member of a private Facebook group where we will keep each other accountable and you’ll be invited regularly to share your work, respond to others, etc.
  • Online writing sessions twice a month.
  • My feedback on 4 pieces of writing.

Or, if 8 months is too much of a commitment, pick and choose as you like.

Every workshop allows the time we need to go more deeply into each topic and have opportunities for discussion, questions, and breakout rooms for workshopping writing.

Why does the term “breakout room” hurt my soul a little? I think I’m having flashbacks to beige Marriott conference rooms and corporate bonding.

I’m excited about this. Nerd-level excitement. Almost as excited as when I have a blank Japanese notebook in my hand.

I apologize for exaggerating.

For each workshop, we’ll meet online (Zoom or GoToMeeting) from 10-12:30am PST/1-3:30pm EST. Dates are listed below, but as I said, it’s the first Sunday of each month January – August. 

  • Recordings will be made available afterward for download.
  • You can buy the whole series upfront for €1150, which is a savings of €130 from the individual prices.
  • Or you can subscribe to a monthly or 3-month payment cycle (€150/month or €400 every three months). Series subscriptions save you €80.
  • You can also purchase a single workshop individually through the links below.
  • Enrollment is capped at 10.
  • In four workshops I will provide feedback on your writing. This will be completed and returned to you within one week of the workshop. (If you buy them individually, the feedback is the reason for the price difference.)

Bonus! (Anyone else getting infomercial vibes?)
When you sign up for the series, you can attend a 1-hour mini-workshop on fear and writing. How do we write even though we’re afraid? How do we determine legitimate fears from illegitimate ones? How can we show up as ourselves without using fear as the director of our creative choices? This will be held on: Tuesday, March 8 at 10am PST/1pm EST. 

Note: If you’ve taken my 6-week workshops before, why would you also take these? Good question. So glad you asked. Brief answers follow, but always feel free to email me with questions:

  • Much more depth to the discussion
  • New examples and sources of all craft and process artists
  • Hands-on work. As in, you will receive prompts, write, and receive feedback just on that topic so you really come away with clarity on a very personalized basis.

Alright, here we go:

Identifying and Enhancing Your Unique Voice 

Aristotle’s Beginning, Middle, and End–BUT WHAT ELSE? On the architecture of storytelling.

Okay but what makes writing sound GOOD? (Rhythm, diction, “rules” to ignore or acknowledge)

Dialogue: What is it? What are the keys to doing it well?

Creating characters we love, even when we hate them

The Bones of an Op-Ed

Writing about Other People

Creating a Sustainable Writing Practice in the Dull Reality of our Bullshit Lives (do I sound like a life coach yet?)

Identifying and Enhancing Your Voice 

Sunday, January 8 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

Have you ever noticed how some writers can write about a trip to the grocery store and it’s somehow fascinating?

It’s voice. They’ve got a voice that is in itself compelling.

Or, perhaps you’ve wondered Why am I funny/interesting/clever/life-changing in person but boring on the page? As if part of your personality makes it onto the devil blank space but the rest drifts away, mocking you, like a dream you once had.

Not to be dramatic.

I can tell you my whole career was built upon voice. I actually got an agent from it. I’ll tell you that story. I’ll tell you how I “found” my voice, maintain trust in it (a constant process), and recognize what blocks it.

We’ll define “voice,” of course, because truly, what the hell is it? We’ll examine the voices of different writers, discuss and analyze what exactly they’re doing to create that style and personality. You’ll examine your taste and get some clarity on how you show up on the page, uniquely.

Through guided prompts and feedback, you’ll receive insight into your voice, and tangible suggestions for how to increase its clarity. But mostly we’ll examine how to get yourself in all your weird and wonderful glory onto the page of broken dreams.

You’ll submit a short excerpt of your writing and I’ll provide you with written feedback on your strengths and suggested areas of focus (I am very nice. This is not scary.)

Buy just this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Voice

Aristotle’s Beginning, Middle, and End–BUT WHAT ELSE?
On the architecture of storytelling.

Sunday, February 5 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

Right, cool, thanks. There’s a beginning, middle, end, and a bunch of things happen and there’s a character and plot and a story, which is apparently different from the plot and–eventually this means something.

We’ll talk about the architecture of storytelling. The main elements. What we want is unity between plot, story, and character. That’s the framework.

In this workshop, you’ll learn all of the above as well as the difference between expository and narrative writing, and the purpose of each, and how BOTH types of writing build that unity I mentioned.

On that topic, we’ve all heard “show don’t tell,” and hopefully we all know that hard and fast rules about writing are often bullshit. We’re looking for balance. Unless you’re Dostoevsky writing Notes From the Underground, you probably can’t get away with a novella of just your thoughts. We need a plot, damnit. TELL ME A STORY. Let’s talk about how.

Note: This is relevant to those writing narrative essays, memoir, and fiction.

Sign up for this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Storytelling

Okay but what makes writing sound GOOD? (Rhythm, diction, “rules” to ignore or acknowledge)

Sunday, March 5 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

Let’s talk actual language. It’s so hot. Rhythm. Sentences. Lengths, styles. Complete or incomplete.

How do we find a rhythm? Why is some writing so beautiful to the ear? What do we even mean by “rhythm?” Why does some writing sound like nails scratching an eternal chalkboard and other writers can make page-long sentences that read–beautifully? Looking at you, Virginia Woolf.

And when we think of adjectives and adverbs and the words we all argue about, what ARE we really asking? When are they necessary? What bogs down the meaning?

Our 6th grade teachers told us to “engage readers” with “description.” Now we’re being told adjectives should be used sparingly.

If we don’t use the The Rules as guides for our writing, what do we use? How do we know if something is working or not?

I will offer feedback on a 250-word excerpt of your writing, highlighting patterns I see in language, rhythm, diction, etc., and making VERY KIND suggestions.

Sign up for this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Rhythm & Diction

Dialogue: What is it? What are the keys to doing it well?

Sunday, April 2 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

Learn the difference between dialogue and conversation. How do we write that sweet, terse, engaging dialogue? What is the role of dialogue in narrative? Yes, it has a specific one and it isn’t awkwardly provide expository information. We’ll examine what that looks like and how to avoid it.

How much dialogue makes sense and how do you make that choice? How do you ground the dialogue in action to convey much more about the scene and character, and avoid clunky adverbs doing the expository work?

(If that sentence makes little sense to you, join this workshop! We’ll talk about it! Sorry for the exclamation points!)

We shall examine the masters. I will probably quote Bob’s Burgers alongside Sam Shepard and Toni Morrison. I don’t make the rules.

In this session you’ll practice writing dialogue and workshopping it with others, and I will also offer feedback.

Sign up for this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Dialogue

Characters we love even when we hate them

Sunday, May 7 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

What makes a flat, one-dimensional character versus a compelling one?

What’s the difference between archetypes and stereotypes and how can the former assist us in creating and writing characters?

And yes, memoirists, I am also talking to you. You are the main character (I know, and all those other people are ALSO characters).

We will begin by defining and discussing characterization, the use of archetypes in framing characters, and what makes a character compelling, someone we will root for (even if we low-key hate them).

We will then workshop a particular character you’re working on (this can be you in your memoir). I will offer feedback as will others in the group. By the end of this workshop you will have a clearer idea of the character’s motivations, arc, and dimensions. That fucker will come to life.

Sign up for this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Characterization

The Bones of an Op-Ed

Sunday, June 4 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

Alright here’s the thing: Everything you write with an opinion is going to piss somebody off. We are not, I repeat, WE ARE NOT, trying to write things that float into the world like a pleasant breeze, leaving happy Facebook faces in its path.

The only way to do that is to write something so vanilla neutral it enrages, well, me. Because why are you wasting my time with your wishy-washy non-opinion?

Figure out what you want to say, why, and to whom, get yourself situated with critical thought, research, and argumentation, and then make your damn argument. Stand by it.

In this workshop we will discuss the basics of argumentation and critical analysis of a subject.

As in: What’s the rhetorical situation of this question? What am I saying, to whom, and why, and how do I make writing choices that support that? What are potential counter-arguments? Logical fallacies? How can I have a decent chance of arguing a thing in a way that’s at least balanced and nuanced?

Or we can just jump on that Facebook podium of death and YELL SHIT. Also fun. Love that.

If not, join this. We’ll workshop a specific argument/persuasive topic you’d like to write about.

Sign up for this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Op-ed

Writing about Other People

Sunday, July 2 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

Writing about people we don’t care about, or who are no longer in our lives (or on the planet, may they Rest in Peace), is easy. You can see why. And don’t worry about the “getting sued” thing. Spoiler: Lawyers. Don’t publish without one.

Anyway, memoirists and essayists and fiction writers who think thinly veiled caricatures are going to mask the fact that you’re writing about your batshit cousin: Where do we end and they begin? 

How do we write people fairly as opposed to shape them into what we want them to be for our own selfish ends?

Complications arise when we want to discuss difficult parts of our story that necessarily implicate or involve others, and we still care about them, perhaps have even forgiven them, maybe understanding that they were fucked up at some point but we have all grown. lol.

So let’s talk about that. I did, after all, write a memoir about addiction and recovery. A messy topic indeed. And I have written a mothering blog for over a decade. I have made a lot of mistakes and I think I’ve done some things quite well. 

You’ll leave this workshop with tangible methods for deciding what to write, what crosses lines, and how to write about “them” in a way that won’t make them hate you. 

Sign up for this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Writing about others

Creating a Sustainable Writing Practice in the Dull Reality of our Bullshit Lives (do I sound like a life coach yet?)

Sunday, August 6 (10am PST / 1pm EST)

Look, I’ve never been one of the people capable of improving myself sufficiently to reach the utopia of the Successful Internet Creatives. They’re over there talking about how your writing space needs to reflect your mind and all the things that matter to you as a soulful human being while I’m literally writing under a tower of laundry, with only my rage to fuel me.

Them: “Write every day or you’re not a real writer.”
Me: “Behind every man saying ‘write every day’ is a woman making that happen for him.”

And YET, I’ve had a 10+ year writing career and have published a book. Writing has become my whole professional life. Yes, I have a few non-negotiable aspects of my creative life. But soul-appropriate workspace ain’t one.

My writing career has weathered pregnancies, breastfeeding until my baby could lucidly discuss breastfeeding, co-sleeping, four kids at home while my husband worked 7 days a week, jobs, non-jobs, financial problems, depression, death and grief, and a move abroad.

AM I SPECIAL? No. I am a normal fucking person living a normal life in which things happen.

My point: I have always written IN THE MESS (while whining). The mess ain’t leaving. People make a lot of money trying to convince us that as soon as we clean up the mess, (read: Get good like them), we too can publish NYT bestsellers and find joy.

I do not have that silver bullet. I do, however, have a career that started with me on my couch at 11pm writing to nobody and hoping for the best. And then a whole lot of life happening and me sticking with it.

I’ll tell you how I kept going, stayed motivated, got back at it after succumbing to Fuck This Shit I’m Out for a few months. (Which is, despite what John says on NPR, a natural part of the creative life).

Sign up for this workshop:

Mini-Workshop: Sustainable Creative Practice


On the workshops as a whole series:

Annie Dillard chose some violence in her fabulous book The Writing Life: “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour, and that one, is what we are doing. A schedule defends from chaos and whim.”

THEREFORE: Let’s schedule 2023, together, and write.

Here’s what you get:

  • Monthly workshops for 8 months (20 hours total)
  • Feedback on six pieces of writing
  • Invitation to my private Facebook community
  • Monthly online group writing sessions (2 per month)
  • Focus on writing (and redirection if you’ve fled the coop) for 8 months of 2023
  • Free workshop on fear & writing
  • A savings of €130 if you buy them separately.

Sign up:

Monthly workshop intensives 2023

Three month payment plan link.

Monthly installment payment link

If you have any questions or prefer an invoice or subscription link via email, just email me via the contact form below.

If you’d like to complement these workshops with 1:1 work, please email me or contact me via the form above to discuss mentoring packages.

Happy New Year, almost. Let’s do our best to make 2023 a creatively solid one. (to clarify, universe, not “creative” like new wars or viruses, mmmkay? fun creative. like books and shit, or a new show by the woman who wrote Derry Girls. okay thanks.)

Go back to check out the full list

Comments Closed | Posted in | November 21, 2022

Family Planning on Ecstasy: An excerpt from Chapter 1

by Janelle Hanchett

Friends, I am really excited to share this excerpt from Chapter 1 of my book, I’M JUST HAPPY TO BE HERE, which is out in EIGHT DAYS, on May 1. 

I cannot wait for you to read this.

And hey! I’m coming to a few cities. Check them out, and come say hello if you can. I’d love to meet you.

Anyway, here we go. Eight days. What a life this is.


From Chapter 1: Family Planning on Ecstasy

The first thing I did when I found out I was pregnant with my first child was head out to the balcony of our one-bedroom apartment and smoke a cigarette. It wasn’t even a real balcony. It was a gray stoop barely big enough for one unwatered plant, a dusty mat, and a twenty-one-year-old in vague denial. I would have preferred outright denial but found it impossible, having just peed on two sticks offering no ambiguity.

My plan was to formulate a plan out there on the balcony before informing the father, who was my boyfriend of three full months. We shared the apartment, but I made sure I was alone that afternoon, protected in isolation, so nobody would see me cry, or rage, or decide to handle the situation silently. I was never the kind of person who wanted company in moments of vulnerability. I never wanted a concerned friend to pat my head and smooth the hair off my forehead while I puked or cried. I wanted to lie in bed in solitude, where I could turn my head to the wall, stretch my legs out, and rise again smiling, while the world slept soundly in its room.

The last thing I needed was a loving and emotional man celebrating the seed in my womb before I knew how I felt about it.

Moments before, I had stared at those double lines with detached curiosity, a sort of numbed awe, as they popped up without hesitation in what seemed like a “fuck you” pink. I figured there could still be some mistake, so I took another test, and upon the second neon positive, pulled up my jeans, walked through the living room and onto the balcony, grabbing my Camel Lights and lighter on the way. I allowed my condition to sink one inch into my brain, where it hovered like a storm cloud creeping toward me. I knew it would shower me in panic, and soon I would feel it pouring down my arms and into my shoes, but those first moments felt liminal, half-real. I emboldened them with a cigarette. One more cigarette in the line of a thousand before it, a meaningless action of my same old life. An action of the nonpregnant.

Nothing to see here, folks. Just another woman on a balcony having a smoke.

That February afternoon was cool and bright, and as I watched the cars do nothing in the parking lot of our apartment complex, I thought about being a senior in college, my job as a waitress, and the few months Mac and I had been together, most of it grayed and hazy from alcohol, fast and romantic and possibly fake. I thought about how he would respond if he were there.

He would smile a soft smile. “Wow,” he would say, “I love you so much,” and his eyes would fill with grateful tears as more supportive words crossed his lips. He would study my reaction with his huge brown eyes. He would look as if he had waited his whole life to hear those three words.

I am pregnant.

I took a drag, inhaling I could have an abortion, but exhaled the startling realization that I would not.

And with the thought, the cigarette grew foul between my fingers. I stamped it out beneath my foot and wondered how the fuck I had ended up here again. I understood the physiology of pregnancy. I did not understand how that wasn’t enough.

In my defense, the first one was an honest mistake. I was eighteen, in my first semester of college, and had spontaneous, unprotected make-up sex with my long-term boyfriend. I knew immediately I would not have that baby, and I did not feel guilty about that decision, though I suspected this made me something of a monster. I felt sadness, but at that age, in that life, I mostly felt relief. We had sex, and yes I happen to have a uterus and ovaries hell-bent on reproduction, and our act was neither smart nor mature, but it was his fault too. My defense was that of a petulant child, but I had no interest in spending my whole life paying for a five-minute interval of questionable sex with a man who could walk away if he felt like it.

As I stood on the balcony, I wondered again, Who the hell gets pregnant accidentallymore than once?

I stared at the horizon and shook my head in disgust as I traveled the recesses of my brain looking for answers, recalling only a woman in my freshman comparative literature class. She had told me, “Getting an abortion is like getting your teeth cleaned.” When I raised an eyebrow, she explained, “It’s just something you have to do.” She was in her thirties and married to a local rock star. She had bad teeth, three children, tattoos, and that haircut of the ’90s where bangs were cut stupidly short in a band right against the forehead. I respected her.

Her teeth cleaning theory sounded erroneous if not downright depraved, but her nonchalance convinced me I would be alright, and that I was even perhaps not quite as foul as I had believed during my trip to the clinic that week, feeling like a slut and regretting with my whole heart those minutes in the dorms.

Apparently this is a thing women do.

That seemed true. I did it.

But I would not do it now.

And it didn’t feel like the fucking dentist.

Back inside, I stretched out on our quilt-covered couch, clicking my tongue at Fatboy, the giant black-and-white cat we inherited from Mac’s childhood. When feeling particularly affectionate, Fatboy would turn his head and glance at you from across the room. But that day, he folded up in the crook of my knees and stared up at me, as if he knew things were heavy.

I took a deep breath, looking around the apartment, the carpet so bland I couldn’t tell what color it was, the kitchen and bathroom floors a yellowed linoleum with pastel blue squares, ripped up and black at the corners. The cabinets were a 1970s brown with gold handles, and metal mini-blinds hung above a box air conditioner in the window that would sputter along against California’s Central Valley heat. That summer, we moved our mattress beneath the little box, creating a pocket of decency between the white walls. Our television sat on boards and cinder blocks. It was the kind of apartment that never felt alive or permanent, but Mac and I were kids and in love, and it was ours.

He was nineteen and I was twenty-one.

•     •     •

I was right about Mac. He did smile through tears and say all the lovely things I suspected he’d say when I told him I was pregnant, but the next day he added, “If you don’t have our baby, I can’t stay with you.” I considered telling him about the moment I knew I wouldn’t have an abortion, but instead I merely nodded. I wasn’t ready to speak the words, “I am having a baby.” I was stretching the liminal gray a few days longer.

When he spoke those words, he didn’t read my face to adjust his tone. He was not afraid of my response, or conflict, and there was no subtext. It was merely data to inform a decision. If his statement had been a threat, an attempted entrapment, I would have left immediately on those grounds alone. Fuck you for even trying to get me to stay, I’d have thought.

But that’s not what he said, and I knew it, because he said it with warm acceptance in his eyes and mouth and forehead—the way he looked at me when he said everything, even when he yelled and postured and I thought maybe I hated him. Or, perhaps that’s why I hated him, because he seemed capable of only adoration, and even in his anger he was devoted and irrationally loyal. It made me feel a little sick.

I get it, man. You can’t withstand the resentment you’d feel toward me if I didn’t have our baby.

But he is not why I had her. I was always going to have her and I knew it, though I didn’t know how to explain that I knew. I didn’t understand yet that motherhood is a lot of knowing without knowing.

But I knew her. She was already made.

I was afraid of having a baby. I was afraid of committing to him like that. I was afraid of what my parents would say, but Mac misread this fear as indecision. I had her because she was meant to be here and I was meant to be her mother, and I believed that in the same way I know the sun will rise. I had her because the moment I knew of her, she existed, like a strange new friend who moved in and wouldn’t leave.

I told myself I was about to graduate from college, that I wasn’t that young, that Mac was going to be a good father—and I loved him, or thought I did. In this way, I rearranged the facts, the furniture of my life, to accommodate my new friend.

Two weeks later, Mac peeked his head over the curtain while I showered and said, “It’s going to be a girl.”

“I know,” I said, and laughed. How weird we are, I thought. Clairvoyant.So in love she’s already shining through—through the blood and walls of my body.

We thought of names. We thought of Aurora and Leah and Althea, but one day while I waited for customers to arrive for dinner in the restaurant where I waitressed, I flipped through a magazine and found an article about Ava Gardner.

We settled on Ava Grace, as if anything could be more beautiful.

•     •     •

I told my mother I knew she was a girl; she didn’t think that was strange at all. When I asked her what the hell I was going to do with my life now, she said, “Well, honey, you’re going to have a baby.” Her simplicity and perky use of the word “honey” shot red annoyance down my spine.

My mother’s perpetual optimism made me wonder if she existed in some sort of sociopathic love cloud. As a young girl, I joined in her optimism, jumped on the “it’s going to be great!” train with glee, but over the years, as each new beginning almost never turned out “great,” I realized her outlook was as much fantasy as it was hope. It was a story to justify rushing headlong into another disaster, the same thing we’d done for years. Businesses. Marriages. Personality improvements. Diets. It was always going to be different this time.

It was an old, raw burn, and her sweetness still stung.

The moment she mentioned relationships, mine or hers, somewhere in me the memory of my former stepfather stirred, the way we moved in and out of his house like a vacation rental. But mostly, I remembered her suffering and how I thought I could fix it, how the solution was perfectly clear to me, how everybody said I was “very mature for my age.” My mother used to say, “I don’t know how you see the things you see, Janelle.”

I didn’t either, but I wished she’d see them too, because I was tired. And even at twenty-one, I was still tired, perhaps more tired than I’d ever been, and I had long since stopped believing in her dreams.

And yet, I always called her first, to bathe in the optimism she turned toward me, too, toward the person she believed I could become. I needed that. I needed to believe things were going to be different right around the corner. That sick hope was infectious, seeping into me whether I wanted it or not, and as much as I distrusted it in her, I clung to it like a drowning woman, because at least it was something.

“But how do you know, Mom?” I didn’t mask my irritation.

“Because you are going to be fine, sweetie.” I wanted to throw up.

She must have told her mother right away, because the next day Grandma Joan called and said, “You know you don’t have to marry this guy just because you’re pregnant,” and my jaw hit my flip phone. I wasn’t anywhere near marrying Mac. I barely knew him. I am merely going to have his baby, Grandma.

Being a woman born in 1930, Grandma Joan of course assumed marriage, and I assumed she would push marriage. She was in her seventies and a Mormon woman who had made her husband dinner every night since they were married at eighteen, and if she was not home in the evening, she prepared the food and put it on the counter so all he had to do was heat it up. He had been the quarterback of the high school football team and she had been the new girl in town—and a cheerleader. It was a movie, and yet true. They still held hands when they sat on the couch together, and they flirted like teenagers. He was sure old Benny at the post office was waiting for him to “kick the bucket” so he could swoop in on Grandma.

She would smack his leg, roll her eyes, and say, “Oh, Bob,” with exasperation and a kiss in her eye.

At family functions in her home, all the women would bustle around the kitchen for hours preparing dinner for thirty while the kids played in the basement and the men watched football in the living room. After dinner, all the women would bustle around in the kitchen for hours doing dishes while the men watched football in the living room, and the kids ran around in the basement. By the time I was a teenager, I wondered what the hell was wrong with these people. But I loved being in the kitchen, where my mother and three aunts talked and cooked with the chatter and laughter of a lifetime of sisterhood, occasionally popping out to rescue a screaming baby, talking of report cards and breastfeeding and wayward teens, of Grandma’s silly ways and how she really should sit down, she’s tired, but she never would. When she finally did, my uncles had begun barbequing on the deck outside and nobody played in the basement anymore.

I sat with the men, too, as babies crawled around their laps, each of their faces illuminated with the television screen as they watched sports, speaking of things I didn’t understand, like “downs” and “bad calls” and “finals.” I felt honored when they spoke to me, a little nod to my sport-less existence. I understood their acknowledgment of me was a quick trip beneath themselves, a little jaunt to a place less sacred. They were, after all, the ones who got to do nothing while groups of women worked on their behalf.

Although the kitchen was warmer, and had better conversation, sometimes I would sit at the dining table between the living room and kitchen, so I could watch both ends and refuse to commit.

At twenty-one, I joined the women in the kitchen for good, though I had always promised I’d never be like them. “I’m not going to get married until I’m thirty,” I’d say as a teenager at our annual Christmas party, “and I won’t have a baby until thirty-five.”

“Good job,” my aunt would nod. “Just don’t rush it.”

“Of course not,” I’d answer, irritated that she’d even consider the possibility of me ruining my life with an unplanned pregnancy at a young age.

I was the youngest of my cousins to have a baby.

People surprise you, though, especially when they’re old and sick of the bullshit, and I saw Joan anew the day she called me, after fifty-five years spent with my grandfather. While she spoke, I wondered how many women of her generation married terrible men because of unexpected pregnancies, and then stayed because of more. I felt myself, for an instant, counted among them.

“Thank you for your concern, Grandma, but it’s different with us,” I said.

I may be in the kitchen like the rest of you broads, but I am different. I could not articulate how, exactly, but I knew I wouldn’t end up washing dishes while the men watched other men slam into each other on brightly lit screens. It seemed archaic and absurd. I would demand freedom, even within the confines of pregnancy. I suppose that, too, is something women “just have to do.”

If I had to guess, I would have said my future would unfold more along the lines of my paternal grandmother, Bonny Jean. She was an intellectual, a fiery Christian Scientist, and natural skeptic who believed in God but not doctors, grassroots journalism, and stockpiling mayonnaise in case there was another Great Depression.

She grew up behind the stage with her parents, who were traveling actors. I once attempted to explain “gay people” to her because, you know, as a relic she wouldn’t understand such things. She spun around to face me in her house robe and said, “I grew up behind a vaudeville stage in the twenties. You think any of those people were straight?” I never tried that shit again.

She had five children from 1945 to 1955. They were raised largely by her father-in-law while she ran her newspaper, which she and my grandfather purchased in 1956. Bonny Jean would attend every local city council meeting, critiquing what she saw in scathing weekly editorials, which she would often dictate over the pay phone in the city council hallway. She once fought the head of the San Francisco plumbers’ union, a man with rumored Mafia ties, who was trying to take over her small town’s water council. When she broke the story and refused to back down, he threatened her. I once asked how she managed to fight a man like him as a woman in the 1960s. She said, “Oh, that was easy, honey. I was not afraid of him. The truth is a strong defense.”

When I told her about the pregnancy, I thought I heard a touch of sadness in her voice, despite her congratulations, because for a split second, they sounded like condolences.

The hardest person to tell was my father. I was barely old enough to handle him knowing I had sex, and yet I had to tell him there was an actual human growing in my body, deposited there by the sperm of a man. Telling him felt something like bra shopping with my mother at fourteen: uncomfortable in a deeply shameful, yet unknown way. Everybody has sex. Everybody gets boobs.

Still, somebody please kill me.

I had always felt my father saw me as a kid who was going to do something impressive in life, who was going to become a lawyer or doctor or at least make a lot of money. Instead, I was joining the Mormons in the kitchen. I knew he wouldn’t say it, but he would be disappointed in me. He knew how many times I had stood at family functions declaring my plan, and he knew I never consciously abandoned that.

It’s hardest to fall in front of those you’ve convinced, through years of tone moderation and personality suppression, that you are not the type to falter.

•     •     •

I stopped smoking and drinking immediately after my balcony denial, which felt wholesome and deeply mature, despite Mac’s and my decision to move out of our apartment and into his parents’ house on their ranch. They lived in a dome-shaped house about ten miles outside of Davis, California, the clean, well-manicured town where I went to college and met Mac.

Davis boasts the second-highest per capita number of PhDs in any city in the nation, and a special tunnel for frogs so they don’t get killed on the road. The town is teeming with students, artists, and intellectuals on bicycles, but also suffers from an epidemic of highly educated, splendid liberals. I learned to spot and avoid the latter from a distance of approximately one hundred feet, having had many years’ practice. The problem is not that they’re liberal—surely one can learn to live with that—it’s that they can’t quite understand why a person wouldn’t dress her child in only organic cotton, or shop solely at the co-op, where they sell nineteen dollar olive oil pressed from olives grown on blessed trees in sacred Native American valleys.

These are the kind of people who call gentrification “restoring the neighborhood” and spend four years on a waiting list for a $1,500 a month preschool while claiming to deeply understand the plight of the underprivileged. Davis is the kind of town where everyone breathes social justice via diversity stickers on their Priuses, but many citizens request that the kids from the Mexican enclaves surrounding the town simply stay in their schools. It’s not about race. It’s just…you know…let’s talk about public radio. Do you support it? It’s kind of my cause. That, and the ACLU.

Most of the mothers in Davis were married, in their late thirties, and living in $700,000 houses when I showed up at age twenty-one, unmarried and pregnant. When I realized nobody would talk to me at the park, having dismissed me immediately as some sort of teen-pregnancy situation, Mac and I bought a pink diaper bag with a giant rhinestone Playboy bunny on the front. It was my subtle “fuck you” to everyone who wouldn’t talk to me anyway, and it almost convinced me I didn’t care.

I turned twenty-two that March and finished my last semester of college in September of 2001, two months before our baby was due. Mac worked at his father’s slaughterhouse on the ranch, and our bedroom was where Mac had played with Hot Wheels and G.I. Joes as a boy, and hid his weed at fifteen. We shared the home with five other people: his parents, two sisters, and his sister’s boyfriend. All the bedrooms were upstairs and opened into a shared center hallway, kind of like Foucault’s panopticon only without the glass. His family was kind and relaxed and pretended we weren’t kids about to have a kid, but I felt exposed and watched—too close to people who weren’t quite mine, humans I knew but didn’t understand, and whom I was still trying to impress. They were family, but I didn’t want them to see me naked, or notice I stunk up the bathroom or yelled at their son. I self-regulated, even though there was no guard in the watchtower.

We bought a crib and an oak dresser, which we wedged together in a corner of the bedroom. I lined each drawer in lavender-scented paper with tiny pastel pink flowers on it, and I bought clothes from Baby Gap and Gymboree and Marshalls. I bought most of them in “newborn” size because they were the cutest and least expensive. I didn’t know they were discounted because babies outgrow them in twelve minutes.

We had a keg of beer at our baby shower, and Mac came because we were “too in love to be apart.” I received about seventy-five various bath items because when my stepmother asked, “What do you need for the baby?” I answered, “Bath items.” I didn’t know you were supposed to “register.” I didn’t have any friends telling me about pregnancy or babies because only losers had babies this young. And I never hung out with losers.

My pregnancy was like living in a dream, a sort of ethereal fantasy ticking by in nebulous form. While my belly grew, I spent my days petting hand-smocked outfits with embroidered ducks and imagining our little threesome. Mac and I played pool at my local university’s student union, and I wasn’t even embarrassed of my belly. I wasn’t embarrassed of my age, or Mac’s lack of career, or that we lived in a room in his parents’ house. Those things weren’t in the dream.

But I couldn’t help but feel inklings of shame as I walked to class during that last semester, when I barely fit in the desks, because the sidewalks and grass and offices on campus were the places where women like me rarely succeeded, and nobody was impressed with expanding uteri. These were PhDs and MAs and lovers of Derrida. They could see right through me: I was the kid who lost, the girl who failed. As I walked I remembered maybe I was going to be more than this, but then I thought of Mac and the baby girl to come. I thought of that love and squared my shoulders.

We went to peaceful birthing classes and breathed together and when Ava came it was fast and insane and Mac sat by me and held my hands and never broke my gaze. The nurses said we were the most beautiful birthing couple they had ever seen.

I wasn’t surprised. It was the only way it could be.

•     •     •

I met Mac for the first time in my living room the night before Halloween, thirteen months before Ava was born. I was living in a converted garage in a house I shared with four eighteen- and nineteen-year-old males I had found in a newspaper. Three months before I responded to their “roommate wanted” ad, I returned home from a year studying abroad in Spain. I tried living with my mother up north in Mendocino, California, and found a job waitressing, but got fired after two weeks for counseling the owner on how she could improve her business. I found myself bored, embarrassed, and broke, so I moved back to Davis in the fall and began waitressing at an “Asian fusion” restaurant and drinking too much.

I had long before decided I could not live with women. They were too complicated. They needed things like talking and support and genuineness. I needed things like rum and Coke and silence. So I asked those boys looking for a roommate if I could move in, and they said yes immediately upon hearing I could legally buy alcohol.

Three months later, a man I had never seen before sat stoned against our living room wall, next to the television. He had a beard that stuck out in every direction and a head of hair that looked exactly the same. It was as if somebody had taken a donut of three-inch-long black curly hair and popped a face into the center of it. He was a high school friend of my roommates’, a newcomer, thin and tall and quiet, and I would not have noticed him at all had he not said something witty. In our house of drunk eighteen- and nineteen-year-old man-boys, nobody was saying anything witty. I beamed my eyes at him from across the room in curious surprise and locked them with his. They were the kindest eyes I had ever seen. I remember that moment exactly as it happened, in slow motion, as if it were a scene in a Meg Ryan movie. The Eye Lock. His were deep brown with eyelashes that carried on ridiculously, but it was their gentleness, their steady calm, that made me want to know more.

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19 Comments | Posted in what the fuck is a writer | April 23, 2018