Archive for August, 2012

this week…ah forget it, let’s talk about today

by Janelle Hanchett


  1. First, let me just say “thank you.” Your responses to my last post blew my mind. I’m overwhelmed with the caliber of people that read this blog. Thank you.
  2. I don’t totally recall this week. As usual, it passed like a fast-moving train. School starts on Wednesday. Somebody explain to me how it is that school starts on August 8. Isn’t that like WAY early?
  3. I want summer to stay. I want summer to go. Story of my life.
  4. Stay, because it’s summer. And my kids are always around.
  5. Go, because it’s summer. And my kids are always around. Ya feel me?
  6. In other news, I’m sure I’ll never get to use my thumb again. That doctor made it sound like I was just having some simple surgery (getting a bone spur removed), but it’s excruciating to bend my thumb even the tiniest bit, and I’m like “Dude, doc, what the hell?” And she’s like “Oh, well, yeah. I had to repair your tendon and cut off part of your bone. You’ll probably need a year of physical therapy to get full motion back.” GOOD TIMES.
  7. And…let’s get to today. Today was a day of the gods. My baby girl turned two today. Instead of a party, we went to San Francisco. First the zoo, then down the coast a bit to Pacifica, where we ate sushi and had cake, then walked along the Pacifica pier. The day was glorious. I always gush about Northern California. It’s my heart, man, I tell ya.
  8. It was the first time I just said “Ah, screw it. Let’s not have a party. She’s TWO. Let’s just go somewhere and have fun.”
  9. AND WE DID. Normally I feel all guilty, like a kid needs a party, with gifts and people and balloons and crap. But for some reason, with this kid and this birthday, I didn’t feel guilty. And I thought about the party – the preparation, the money, the WORK – and I realized she’s TWO, and she’d have just a good of time hanging in San Francisco, with her people and the giraffes. And monkeys. She loved the monkeys. Probably because she is part monkey.
  10. I love her so much, people, it hurts. Check out our day…(and yes, I’ve been jacking my husband’s Iphone for Instagram. That shit is FUN.)

our little peacock

mama and the big kids, at the zoo

we held hands a lot, and she said “hi” to the animals

this was her face after we told her cake was coming

fascinated with her TWO candles. precious.

gettin’ busy with the cake

after dinner, we went to Pacifica. This is what it looked like.

we walked along the pier, hung out with fisherman,

and met a freaking pelican.

I caught this moment and almost died.

Two suits you, little girl…

And at the end of this day – this day that was too damn good, we sat on the porch for a bit.

Did you see that pretty lady leaning against the pier in the pelican shot? Yeah, that’s my mom. She’s a woman I’ll never get enough of. With every passing year, it becomes a little clearer to me that indeed, I have the best mom in the world.

Forgive me if I’m a little sentimental. But it’s my baby. She turned two. And she’s Georgie.

Happy birthday, little one.


6 Comments | Posted in weeks of mayhem | August 5, 2012